Steel Deck Institute Announces New Edition of AISI S100 Standard for Cold-Formed Steel

Florence, SC – The Steel Deck Institute (SDI) announces the publication of ANSI/SDI AISI S100-2024 North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. The 2024 edition of this Standard replaces the 2016 editions with Supplements.

In 2023, the SDI assumed responsibility for 34 cold-formed steel standards from the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) when AISI withdrew from supporting those important standards. In 2024, the SDI either reaffirmed, updated, or in one case, finished the development of a new standard for 29 of the former AISI Standards. Since then, 17 standards related to cold-formed steel framing have been transferred to the Steel Framing Industry Association (SFIA) and 4 standards related to metal building systems have been transferred to the Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA).

The 2024 edition of the S100 Standard incorporates all revisions that were approved at the time AISI withdrew from standards development. It, along with the 29 other revised standards, can be found on the SDI website for free download.

Since assuming responsibility for the former AISI Standards, the SDI has benefited from the assistance of several other steel industry associations, along with help from former members of the former AISI Committee on Specifications. The SDI Technical Director, Dr. Thomas Sputo, PE, SE stated, “The SDI stepped in to provide continuity when the AISI standards were in danger of becoming unsupported, and the help of many individuals made this transition possible.”

Since its founding in 1939, the SDI has provided uniform industry standards for the engineering, design, manufacture, and field usage of steel floor and roof decks. At present, the SDI has twenty-nine deck producing members and eleven associate members. Member companies operate certified deck manufacturing facilities located throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico, while associate members are manufacturers of products related to the use of steel decks. The mission of the SDI is to promote the advantages of using steel roof deck and floor deck along with providing guidance in the proper design and use of steel deck.


Steel Deck Institute

J. Kenneth Charles, Managing Director


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