Steel Deck – The Sustainable Choice
Metal decking has many environmental advantages over other comparable construction materials. Steel is a durable material with a long lifespan and low maintenance requirement, reducing the need for replacement or repairs and the overall environmental impact of the project. Additionally, steel is highly recyclable, with a recycling rate of around 90%, reducing waste sent to landfills and conserving natural resources.
The common steel deck profiles allow sheets to be nested with each for transportation, minimizing dunnage and allowing for optimal truck loads. In conjunction with steel deck’s high strength-to-weight ratio, optimal truck loads help to reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation of materials to the job site. Steel deck’s superior strength- to-weight ratio also means less material is required to achieve necessary levels of strength and stability for a given project, further reducing the environmental impact.
Overall, the environmental advantages of steel roof deck and floor deck make them a sustainable and attractive choice for construction projects, contributing to the conservation of natural resources and reducing the impact of construction on the environment.
Several SDI member companies provide their own Environmental Product Declaration documents, which provide facility-specific environmental impacts of their steel deck products. In additional, the Steel Deck Institute provides an industry wide Environmental Product Declaration that applies to our general membership.
The Steel Deck Institute and our membership are committed to a sustainable future with transparency. For more information, please reach out to the Steel Deck Institute or individual member manufacturers.